Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Home Loan Tips #3

Make your extra cash work harder
Lets face it not all of us have extra cash, but if you are someone that does this little tip can help you save quite a bit off your home loan
If you have a home loan in Australia at the moment you are probably paying about 8 per cent interest, every extra dollar you pay off is another dollar you are not paying 8 per cent on each year. Now if you instead put that extra dollar into a savings account (even a high interest one) you are only going to earn 2 or 3, perhaps 6 per cent at the most. So putting your savings into your loan can "earn" you up to twice as much.

Most loans typically have redraw facilities available and these allow you to take back those extra payments if needed anyway. Just make sure you are not being charged extra for the privilege.

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Anonymous said...

There are a few items I call "credit report killers" that your clients should be aware of that can adversly affect their credit report and credit scores.

There really isn't too much room here to explain in detail but I have actually made a video about the top 10 credit report killers. This video was made form the .pdf version which I wrote.

In this video I answer the most common questions I get about information that appears on credit reports.

Specifically I cover information on Charge-offs, Collection Accounts, Judgments, Inquiries, Bankruptcies, Delinquencies,and more...

In the video Your clients will learn what each of these items are and how they can affect their credit report, as well as how long each item can remain on your credit report.

The video is very informative and is solid content for your readers and clients.

The Video is Free to Watch Here

The .pdf version you can download here Free

Credit Expert Frank Bruno