Monday, October 29, 2007

Finance tips for young adults

I found this great article on and reccomend you visit their site to read the whole thing:

"Money is an important topic for everyone. If you're young, and just starting out in the world of work, you may not have much of it yet! But it's never too early to learn some basics.

Whether you're thinking about banking, insurance, superannuation, or investing, we can provide some help to get you started. We've collected our top 10 finance tips - follow these, and you will be well on your way to making the best use of your money."

Click to read the full article...


Unknown said...


I would love to exchange links with your site.

I have some finance sites and blogs. Please let me know if you are interested.

Waiting for your reply.


Apologize for posting link exchange comment here. I haven't got your contact details on your blog that's why posted here. Please delete this comment after checking it.

sartaj faisal said...


I think there are so nice informations about finance and I think there are so many benefits to these tips ,especially we can improve our business and we can get more than more income to it. There are also knowledge about credit cards. But here are short description and if you want to get long description and you can get more information to plastic business card.